Jacqueline P. Cheng

Jacqueline P. Cheng




The Scientific Foundations of Empowered Parenting

Empowered Parenting is so much more than just a nice idea. It’s a parenting methodology that is rooted in evidence-based developmental science, psychology, and emotional intelligence. These are the skills that parents can foster to be able to maintain.......

Want Teens Who Don’t Hate You?

I absolutely LOVE teenagers. I love their spunk and emerging courage. All of a sudden, our children emerge as individuals with points of view, passions, and thoughtful opinions curated from their own life experiences rather than......

How to Set Limits and Boundaries… Peacefully

Peaceful Parenting is not permissive parenting. Children require our guidance and support to learn to behave in appropriate ways, stay safe, and develop healthy life skills like discipline, trustworthiness, and respect for others'...........

7 Parenting Tips for Handling Tantrums and Emotional Meltdowns

Toddlers are still learning to regulate emotions, communicate effectively, and navigate the world around them. In this context, it becomes essential to explore why tantrums and meltdowns in toddlers should not be misconstrued......

Emotional Intelligence Is Foundational to Peaceful Parenting

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is not just a buzzword; it's a foundational skill set that can dramatically transform both your personal and professional landscapes. It involves an intricate dance of ........

Understanding Childhood Brain Development

Parenting is one of the hardest (if not the hardest) jobs in the world. Before having children, many of us assume that we will just “figure it out” on the job. Once our baby is here, we go through a sort of reality...........

Empowering Boys: A Compassionate Approach to Parenting Across Cultures

The notion that boys shouldn't cry transcends cultural boundaries. My journey as a parent has led to a profound realization – strength lies in vulnerability, regardless of cultural expectations and norms........

How to Get Your Kids to Listen

As parents, we've all been there – those moments when it feels like our children are deliberately not listening, ignoring us, testing our patience to its limits. The struggle is real, and it's a